
There are a number of options available for querying denovo-db. They include:

Query Type Instruction
Gene There are three main ways of querying genes:
  • Exact gene symbol
  • Gene symbols starting with a certain term followed by a *.
  • A list of gene symbols delimited by a comma.
  • Entering CHD8 would pull up all CHD8 variants.
  • Entering CHD* would pull up every gene starting with CHD (CHD1, CHD1L, CHD2, ..., CHDH)
  • Entering CHD8, MECP2, PAX4 would give all variants in these 3 genes
Chr. Position This allows for you to search for variants based on their chromosome and position location.
  • chr14:21,806,838-21,946,382
  • chr14:21806838-21946382
  • 14:21806838-21946382
  • chr14:21,871,373
  • chr14:21871373
  • 14:21871373
  • 14:21,871,373
Phenotype The database can be searched by the phenotype of interest. Just start to type the word you are interested in and denovo-db will give you a list of phenotypes in the database that match your input. For example, entering de, you get the following phenotypes to choose:
  • developmental_disorder
  • neural_tube_defects
Function Variants can be searched by their functional annotation. Start typing the functional category you are interested in and denovo-db will give you the options. For example, typing sp, you get the following function classes to choose,
  • splice-acceptor
  • splice-donor
CADD Threshold This query sets the minimum CADD score threshold you want to view. For instance if you type 40 it will list all variants with a CADD >= 40 in the database.
Sample ID This query is often most useful when you've already done a different search and you want to see what other variants a sample might want to have. For example,
you search for mutations in CHD8 using the gene query. You find that sample 11654.p1 has a splice-acceptor mutation and than want to know what else that sample has so you go to the sample query and type in 11654.p1 in the search. This shows you that this sample has 3 validated de novo mutations in RERE, CHD8, and GNPDA1, respectively.
Study This allows you to type in a study name and search only by that study. Just start to type the word you are interested in and denovo-db will give you the options. For example, typing AS, you get the following studies to choose,
  • Dimassi2015
  • Hashimoto2015
  • Tavassoli2014

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